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The options listed below pertain directly to guide behavior, styling, and presentation. Many of the options affect both building block guides and classic guides, while others only affect one or the other.

Available Options

disableGlobalCSSIf true, this will prevent the agent from downloading your application's global css file as well as the default classic guide css.falseboolean
disableGuidePseudoStylesBuilding block guides use an inline style tag for various pseudo styles (e.g. hover, carets, animations). These can be turned off using this flag for application's with more restrictive CSP settings but will require custom effort to reach style parity.falseboolean
disablePrefetchContent of badge and target element activated guides will be prefetched on load to improve guide display time unless set to true.falseboolean
enableDesignerKeyboardShortcutIf true, the agent will listen for alt+shift+8 on the keyboard and try to launch the designer (). The keyboard shortcut requires the guide launch modal of Engage to be open in another tab showing the shortcut.falseboolean
enableGuideTimeoutIf true, after trying to display a guide step, a guideTimeout event will be sent if the step does not show within the allotted time.falseboolean
guideSeenTimeoutLengthHow long to wait in milliseconds before sending a guideTimeout event if enabled.10000number
guideValidationIf true, guides will be verified against their saved content hash before display to ensure validity of guide content.falseboolean
guides.attachPointBy default, guides will be attached at the end of the <body>, attachPoint can be used to designate a different place to attach guides to in the DOM. This can be a CSS selector or a function.undefinedstring or function
guides.delayGuides will be loaded, but not displayed. Call pendo.startGuides() to display guides when you choose to do so (this options has been moved from delayGuides).falseboolean
guides.disabledCompletely disables guides (this option has been moved from disableGuides).falseboolean
guides.globalScriptsAn array of functions that can be run for all or a subset of guide steps (without requiring custom code blocks to be enabled). For more information read here.undefinedobject[]
guides.timeoutHow long to wait for guides to load in milliseconds (this option has been moved from guideTimeout). By default guides will not timeout.undefinednumber
guides.tooltip.arrowSizeThe tooltip arrow size (in pixels). This only affects classic guides.15number
preventCodeInjectionIf true, custom code blocks in building block guides will not be allowed to run. Also, classic guides will not be shown at all.falseboolean


visitor: {
name: "John Doe",
email: "",
role: "Viewer"
account: {
name: "Acme Co"
disableGlobalCSS: false,
disableGuidePseudoStyles: false,
disablePrefetch: false,
enableDesignerKeyboardShortcut: false,
enableGuideTimeout: false,
guideSeenTimeoutLength: 10000,
guideValidation: false,
guides: {
attachPoint: '#guide-location', // or () => { return global.smallGuides ? $('#location-1') : $('location-2'); }
delay: false,
disabled: false,
globalScripts: [],
timeout: 30000,
tooltip: {
arrowSize: 15
preventCodeInjection: false