Agent 2.82.2
- AnnotateUrl now supports changes to the URL fragment
- Usability enhancements for Visual Design Studio Guide Preview
- Host application stopping event propagation no longer prevents guides and analytics from functioning (allows support for GWT, etc)
- Guides that use an Element Contains Rule and are badge-activated now correctly show or hide the badge and launch the guide based on the rule status
- Console error not longer displays if a "Show on Hover" badge is present on the page
- Clicking a badge no longer simultaneously shows and dismisses a guide when "click outside to dismiss" custom code is used
- Fixed issue that prevented guides from being dismissed or advanced under certain conditions
- Hosts for guide content files are verified against configured CNAME, if present (only logging violations for now)
- All URL changes are now logged if the host application has a non-native implementation of pushState
- Stopping event propagation on an event with no target no longer generates a console error
- Events are no longer dropped when an iframe is unloaded