- Guide logic poll branching logic will no longer incorrectly report poll responses
- Guide processing timeout messages are now warnings instead of errors
- Preview mode should now correctly report page match status when the url has been annotated
- VDS-launched preview mode now code blocks correctly on the standards build of the agent
- Guide display errors will no longer fire too frequently
- Ensure metadata is properly initialized with legacy installations
- Suffix of "ext" added to the end of agent version for the Adopt extension
- Option to disable session recording if web worker cannot be created
- Zendesk messaging native integration
- Console error no longer shown for some guides using the markdown extensions
- Recording events protected from sending an old visitor id after identity change
- Session recording ids are now on the data request for assistance in verification
- Global property pendo.doNotProcess set when a visitor is flagged to not process data
- Preventing preview and debugger frames from being included in auto frame installer
- More error logging for session recording failures
- Option to disable session recording web worker
- Additional logging for session replay network failures
- Add missing field custom_allowed_products to Feedback ping
- Check if history API is read only
- Trigger change & input events for form autofill
- Guide preview when Adopt + Engage are both active
- Launching VDS in Firefox opens the correct guide with default privacy settings
- Preview mode now checks all frames for guide eligibility status
- Do not clear event buffer when startSendingEvents is called if sending is not disabled
- Stop evaluating CSS selectors for guides that take >50ms to run
- Added event count and agent version to session recording payload
- Throttle guide prefetch requests to avoid delaying guides that need to display immediately
- Auto-click support for automation plugin
- Feedback now gets updated metadata when metadata is changed after initialization
- Visual Design Studio preview mode will now recognize page rules when the URL has been customized
- Backdrop is now invisible with the guide while waiting for images to finish loading
- Show plugin info in validate output
- Accept session recording privacy configuration from backend
- Fix race condition when guide requests are issued in rapid succession