- Able to place confirmation badge elements over target elements
- Option to manually start session recording
- Send missing information for previewing Adopt guides
- Prevent Engage Agent from removing Adopt's preview bar in double agent scenarios
- Send session recording data more frequently to improve performance
- Improve consistency of sending session recording payloads on "unload" events
- Ensure page event properties update without interaction
- Automatic guides won't newly display while guide payloads are being loaded
- Harden checks for not showing expired guides
- Using "Prefer mutation observer" now has support for shadow DOM
- Support for "confirmation" action for guide buttons
- Adopt Resource Center is no longer visible when no guides are eligible
- Send session recording data more frequently to improve performance
- Set 'unload' subtype on session recording payloads when sent due to a page unload
- Config setting to allow analytics to be excluded by type
- NPS branding for Pendo Free now has UTMs on the links
- Race condition with Intercom and Resource Center initialization
- Fix issue where non-NPS guides for Pendo Free customers were not displaying
- Config option to disable synthesization of clicks from mousedown and up events (for accessibility)
- Remove duplicate IDs on backdrop elements
- Guide buttons should no longer overlap in certain browsers
- Fixed issue where auto-displayed multi-step guides failed to throttle correctly
- Directional CSS classes for the arrows on tooltip guides
- Configuration option to prevent the Agent from initializing
- No longer add style block for the Resource Center badge's pulse animation when pseudo-styles are disabled
- Improve the focus trap for guides when clicking outside of the guide
- Pendo branding for NPS surveys in Pendo Free
- Event body text color in the debugger should be readable regardless of host application's CSS
- Previewing guide from the Visual Design Studio in a new tab now should work again in apps with multiple frames
- Tooltips and backdrops should update their position and size when the target element changes
- Support for configuring attachPoint in a shadow DOM
- Support for ::shadow selectors separated by commas
- No longer show console error when host application triggers a custom event with an invalid property
- No longer show console error when logging certain types of Agent exceptions