- Prevent the feedback "trigger" element from being added twice if the end user's visitor ID is changed between 2 non-anonymous IDs
- Remove race condition between frames initializing at nearly the same time
- Auto display guide will no longer interrupt a walkthrough if the next step cannot be displayed immediately
- Reworked text capture so that it can be delivered as an optional plugin in the future (i.e. still included by default for now)
- No longer log erroneous guide display errors after guide list changes
- Restore correct positioning of legacy tooltips in certain application setups
- Throttling now correctly applied to next guide when first step is continued and the 10 second cache is expired
- Autoscroll to tooltip now works when scroll parent uses scroll-behavior:smooth CSS rule
- Small set of features in Agent Debugger for applications with multiple iframes
- No longer cause a memory leak when Agent fails to load a script resource
- Preview navigation bar no longer steals focus from guide
- Do not attempt to load unminified debug Agent for Adopt extension installations
- History API detection no longer requires native code, but URL polling will start if we detect a missed URL change
- No longer throw an error in Salesforce Locker service when composedPath is accessed
- No longer throw an error when in some wrapped Windows apps with iframes
- Feedback runs correctly again when used in Feedback only installations
- No longer throw an error that appears in some wrapped Windows apps with iframes
- Support for Adopt in two other environments (US1 and Gov)
- Prevent BroadcastChannel messages from being handled by Pendo instances in other windows or tabs
- No longer cause a syntax error in Internet Explorer when the broadcast channel setting is enabled
- Remove error message that appeared in staging environments with Pendo Feedback enabled
- Feedback code is now only included in agent if enabled
- Guide runtime "before" phases (e.g. beforeGuideDismissed) allow certain actions to be cancelled from custom code blocks
- Show guide and poll events in debugger
- Internal extension point for registering a method to run as part of the guide update process
- Internal event emits whenever data is enqueued
- Removed URL shortening code
- No longer using Blob when POSTing data with sendBeacon
- Event monitoring being enabled in Debugger no longer prevents events from being sent
- Update "Has Been Seen" text in Debugger to make this field less confusing
- Remove deprecation warning from flushNow
- Update to use "dom" instead of "Sizzle" internally throughout for consistency
- No more race condition when Engage Agent manages to load before the Adopt Agent