- Fix "session recording error:Cannot read properties of undefined" when session recording starts
- Segment flags are requested separately from guides
- Task list module for resource center
- Show agent log messages in debugger
- Prevent debugger window from getting stuck in drag mode in some cases
- using an invalid apiKey in additionalAPIKeys does not block sending on the primary key
- reduce false positives in ad block detection
- Fix invalid array length error
- Support for "dead clicks" frustration metric
- Pending data requests will be retried on unload to avoid data loss
- Agent debugger now supports CSP trusted types policy
- Resize VOC portal iframe when container is resized
- Don't show RC badge when RC content fails to load
- Guide, click, and track events will retry when they fail to send
- Launch guide action does not dismiss embedded content
- Resource center activity is incorrectly attributed to a guide if both are open at the same time
- Fix issue resulting in many short session recordings
- Guide Runtime now reporting some messages correctly as informational instead of errors
- Zooming on mobile browsers better handles resizing guides
- Embedded Content now limits the number of GuideSeen events it reports
- Change log level on guide runtime message from error to debug
- Agent debugger now shows when guide loop is not running
- Identity sync now syncs top frame identity to any loaded child frames
- Guide loop will now start if only embedded content is present
- Closing the resource center no longer fires the unmount runtime event for the currently shown guide
- Guide loop now starts even if resource center fails to load
- Clean up all debounced event handlers when calling teardown
- Addtional query parameter to recording request to indicate new session
- Configuration option to automatically remove guides with slow selectors
- Feedback plugin initialized multiple times in some cases
- Session replay capture of grid-template areas in Chrome
- Visibility checks for slotted components in scrollable areas