- New setting to prioritize Adopt guides for auto display
- Support for changing the size of the resource center badge
- Resource center dismiss button is no longer cut off on low-resolution displays
- Fixes an issue where multiple automatic guides could display in frames.
- Turning on enableDebugEvents will now capture additional information about the guide session
- Pendo Adopt guides get higher priority for click/hover activation
- Trim whitespace from text captured based on allowed text settings
- Resource centers that activate on a target element will now hide if that element is clicked while the resource center is visible
- Fixed a bug that prevents the designer from launching more than once
- Support for additional guide positioning options
- 'End of Guide Preview' displays on last step of guide when user clicks Previous or Go to Step
- Remove collection_overhead_in_ms from event property collection
- This version of the agent supports the new 'Go to Step' guide button action.
- Fixed an issue that prevented correct display of an NPS guide when viewed from the NPS email
- removed agent configuration option for blocking server IP address logs
- fixed issue that occasionally prevents guides from showing in iframes when guide content has not loaded yet
- add the staging agent script tag to the document head or body if no other script tags are found in the document
- guideActivity events get sent to the correct endpoint
- Feedback initialization now works correctly when identifying a previously anonymous visitor
- Fixed an issue displaying "what's new" guides in the legacy guide center
- removed agent configuration option for blocking server IP address logs
- fixed an issue that occasionally prevents guides from showing in iframes when guide content has not loaded yet
- add the staging agent script tag to the document head or body if no other script tags are found in the document