- Properly attach session recording id to analytics events from inner frames
- Storage values written from guide runtime were ignored
- Warning level log messages were not being logged to console correctly
- Identify events sometimes contained anonymous "old visitor id" that appears in no other events
- Dismiss button sometimes closes previewed guide in designer
- Revert "Stop generating anonymous oldVisitorId on identify events when no id was found in storage"
- Stop generating anonymous oldVisitorId on identify events when no id was found in storage
- Suggested installation for SRI did not work correctly
- Add recordingSize to recording event
- Prevent agent applications from unintentionally cross communicating
- Always prefer fetch over sendBeacon for POST requests
- Properly handle config for subresource integrity
- Scroll to tooltip ignores smooth scroll-behavior if set to properly scroll the guide into view
- JWT decoding did not handle unicode characters correctly
- Anonymous visitor IDs now properly persist across page reloads when JWT is used
- Tooltips and backdrops now correctly track elements in shadow dom during scroll
- Allow the VocPortal plugin to adjust the size of the RC module container
- Remove race condition when checking for error clicks
- Ignore messages in the debugger that fail to parse
- Error clicks include error messages
- Agent config setting "forceAnonymous", to clear stored identities at initialization time
- Event capture stops at any body element even if it isn't the "real" body element
- Make beforeMount callback safe for IE7/8
- Redraw embedded guides on window resize event