- Show guide throttling countdown in debugger v2
- Show full step eligibility when viewing a guide in debugger v2
- Address race condition in auto display that could break throttling
- Improve performance when setTimeout triggers change detection loop in angular applications
- Session recording now captures CSS correctly on sites using prototype.js library
- No longer start duplicate session recordings if pendo.js is included more than once in page
- Config options to disable intercepts for preventDefault and stopPropagation
- Plugin to collect "rage clicks"
- Show events from all frames in debugger v2
- No longer cause Chrome to crash when exiting preview mode for Pendo Launcher installs
- Address error in step eligibility alert display
- Improve performance in session recording for certain types of mutations
- Session recording no longer fails to start in apps that have non-standard fetch overrides
- Properly detect if CSP blocks the session recording web worker in Firefox to prevent event loss
- step eligibility alerts, excluded guides, and throttling to agent debugger v2
- Submit button no longer enables with empty responses on required open text poll
- Improve alerts empty state in agent debugger v2
- Session recording will now retry failed network requests (requires web worker update if self-hosting the worker)
- Various fixes and improvements for agent debugger v2
- Revert session recording performance fix that made performance worse in various cases
- Improved session replay inactivity calculation
- Clear session replay sequence number when a new snapshot is taken
- Ensure new recording session starts after inactivity
- Set first event timestamp on recording event body
- Improve preview bar step progress copy and css for responsiveness
- Handle guide redisplay correctly with multi frame apps
- Ensure that a session id for recordings cannot be shared across api keys
- Include additional url parameter when sending recording data to help debugging