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additionalApiKeys : Array.<string>

Array of additional API keys that are set in the config. If no primary API key is set, the first in this array will be assigned to pendo.apiKey.


pendo.additionalApiKeys => ['FIRST_API_KEY', 'SECOND_API_KEY']

apiKey : string

API key that is associated with the current Pendo installation as a string.


pendo.apiKey => 'API_KEY'

getVersion() ⇒ string

Returns current version of the Agent as a string. Also directly accessible at pendo.VERSION.

Returns: string - agent version

pendo.getVersion() => '2.150.0'


Initializes the Pendo Agent in a browser window.

See: Pendo Installation

optionsobjectidentity metadata and configuration to initialize agent


visitor: {
id: <visitor-id-goes-here>, // Required if user is logged in
// full_name: "John Doe", // Recommended if using Pendo Feedback
// email: "", // Recommended if using Pendo Feedback or NPS email
// role: "Viewer" // Optional

// You can add any additional visitor level key-values here,
// as long as it's not one of the above reserved names.
account: {
id: <account-id-goes-here>, // Recommended, required if using Pendo Feedback
// name: "Acme Co", // Optional
// is_paying: false, // Recommended if using Pendo Feedback,
// monthly_value: 0, // Recommended if using Pendo Feedback

// You can add any additional account level key-values here,
// as long as it's not one of the above reserved names.

isReady() ⇒ boolean

Returns boolean representing whether the Agent is fully loaded and has an API key.


if (pendo.isReady()) {
// runs if agent has fully loaded

teardown() ⇒ void

Shuts down the agent and cleans up all timers and listeners. Upon completion the agent will be able to be re-initialized when needed or cleaned up from the window. This will halt all guides and data collection.


pendo.isReady(); // this will return false
delete window.pendo;