- Feedback code is now only included in agent if enabled
- Guide runtime "before" phases (e.g. beforeGuideDismissed) allow certain actions to be cancelled from custom code blocks
- Show guide and poll events in debugger
- Internal extension point for registering a method to run as part of the guide update process
- Internal event emits whenever data is enqueued
- Removed URL shortening code
- No longer using Blob when POSTing data with sendBeacon
- Event monitoring being enabled in Debugger no longer prevents events from being sent
- Update "Has Been Seen" text in Debugger to make this field less confusing
- Remove deprecation warning from flushNow
- Update to use "dom" instead of "Sizzle" internally throughout for consistency
- No more race condition when Engage Agent manages to load before the Adopt Agent
- Ability to automatically add properties of a specific page to all events
- Restructure Feedback code to prepare it to be delivered only when enabled
- Added browser storage API to guide runtime
- Origin checks for development urls when loading Visual Design Studio
- Improved data compression estimates for more efficient packing of POST requests
- Correctly send destination step ID for advance events
- Send data more efficiently when using POST requests for large events
- Guide runtime can now be used for code blocks in Resource Center announcement guides
- Global code blocks that can be run for a bulk selection of guides through Agent configuration
- Refactoring to reduce the presence of preview mode special cases in critical code paths
- When the debugger is enabled, the Agent now loads an unminified version
- Debugger icons no longer continously render on host application when host uses fontawesome
- Correctly handle overflow styles on the document and body elements for guide positioning
- No longer offset by body scroll position while in browser "quirks mode"
- Correctly render guide step thumbnails while building guides
- Debugger can now restore native JS prototypes
- Option for agent to auto install in all (same-origin) frames and manage visitor identity/metadata in each
- Prevent steps from showing in the wrong app for cross app guides in Adopt
- Resource Center will no longer flicker when Adopt and Engage Resource Centers are present on the same page
- Permalinked guides will now continue where left off when reloading page
- Navigation mode restores correctly for Adopt Studio
- Preview for badge activated guides will correctly stay in preview mode after load
- Events flush on page hidden when preventUnloadListener is set
- Building block and legacy guides now share common code for overlay
- Keyboard no longer dismisses on ionic app on iOS when trying to type in textarea
- Removed chrome warning about "path" access on event being deprecated
- Advancing guide on last step correctly increments dismissCount
- addEventProperty accepts false values
- Engage Resource Center badge now shows as expected when Adopt Resource Center badge is showing
- Event property CSS selectors are evaluated against all ancestor elements
- Focus returns to a tooltip's target element when the 'esc' key is used to close it
- Resolved performance issue caused when Resource Center notification bubble is targeted at an element in a shadow DOM
- Target element is now considered visible when body element has no width or height
- Tooltip now follow target when body element is scrollable