- Callback for click event captured that allows properties to be added to the event programmatically
- Use pointerdown event when available for element removal click detection (when enabled)
- Do not use URL polling when pushState is available
- Guard against potential undefined reference when attempting to add focus listener to textareas and inputs in guides
- Improved tooltip positioning to better handle unique host application layouts
- Tooltip caret no longer rendered incorrectly when auto-position tooltip changes from top to right orientation
- Support for customizing repeat guide display (Closed Beta)
- Late loaded frames join preview correctly
- Tooltip arrow rendering no longer causes excessive DOM mutations
- An invalid selector for click/hover activation will no longer prevent other guides from displaying
- Unused postMessage handler removed
- Local config contentHost and dataHost now prioritized
- Support for customizable repeat guide display now available
- Overflow on inline elements no longer ignored in visibility check
- Cases where document.activeElement can now be null or undefined
- Guide no longer considered out of viewport if any part of it is outside the viewport
- Target element RC notification bubble no longer moves during document scroll
- Target element RC notification bubble position fixed
- Target element RC notification bubble position now updates when target position changes
- Resizing video and image blocks in custom guides no longer causes error
- Correct host replacement by environment when contentHost is specified in the initialize method
- Vertical arrow bias for building block tooltips now available
- Smooth scroll tracking for tooltips targeting elements in shadow DOM now available
- Support for agent to launch new adopt-studio endpoints now available
- Error when switching accounts and not pinging feedback to get correct user resolved
- clearSession no longer clears metadata and reloads guides
- Aria-labelledby attribute of the nps open text now properly set to the id of the currently visible question
- Guard against undefined object when receiving guides from other frames
- Evaluation of guide URL rule when fragment contains query-like parameters fixed
- Reverted "Adopt extension correctly continues walkthroughs included by the Engage agent instance" from previous release
- Resource Center now correctly activates when adopt and engage RC badges are both present
- Max-width now set on selects when the guide is resized
- Adopt extension now correctly continues walkthroughs included by the Engage agent instance
- When both Engage and Adopt RC badges are present they no longer display on top of each other