- localStorage is now enabled when using JWT
- Resource center preview now makes the correct request
- Announcement badge now appears on announcement module links in home view
- Guides now can render the "dir" attribute
- Agent now validates origin on all resource requests on staging servers only (excludes adopt)
- Fixed width text blocks no longer prevent horizontal scrollbars from appearing when resized on zoom
- Guides that expire while snoozed will now display when the guide wakes
- Resource center now adjusts width on resize if the width exceeds the window width
- Console error no longer displays for some resource center code blocks
- Link and button previews now appearing in the theme builder
- Security update related to theme builder
- Zoom/resize now adjusts guide position and dimensions
- Text-only zoom now redraws guide
- pendo.stopGuides now stops guides
- Debugger performance improved by not polling elements for ineligible guides
- New event hooks now available to use in code blocks
- Guides no longer redraw when browser is zoomed
- Deprecation messages removed for attachEvent and detachEvent
- Anonymous visitor IDs no longer preserved across page loads when JWT is used
- Guide activity events now supported for pendo-buttons wrapped in tags by the browser
- Safari will now send guide events during navigation even if the following page is slow to respond
- Aria expanded attribute added to resource center badge button element
- More secure construction of the preview guide request url
- RC guide list now removes guides from list after a page change in an iframe
- Sibling selector feature tagging support now available
- Preview for translated guides now working correctly
- Popup windows no longer treated like iframes when BroadcastChannel is enabled
- Tooltips now scrolling with target element properly with certain CSS configurations
- Support now available for IframeBlock and IframeModule for Resource Center
- Error in code block no longer results in guide displaying in 2 frames at the same time
- Tooltips no longer follow target element when host application has disabled document scrolling
- Element targeted walkthrough no longer re-activates first step on mouse move
- Element targeted walkthrough no longer re-activates first step on target element clicked
- Element targeted RC no longer exhibits continuous appearance and disappearance under certain conditions
- preventDefault called on a touchend event will now be treated like a click event
- Support now available for previewing guide watermark
- The console error that displayed when debugger is enabled and RC home view is no longer present
- Guide will now dismiss/advance correctly when Pendo launcher is used on an app with a native Pendo install
- Before attempting to launch designer, user must now ensure agent is initialized
- Tooltip now hidden when target element no longer matches targeting rule
- Notification bubble no longer shows "0" after resize when using target element RC
- Target element RC will now reposition on resize