- Support for initializeImmediately now available as snippet configuration
- ExtensionService.getExtensionFrames for message source verification now available for extensions
- Guide display alerts are no longer sent when guide is displayed in a different frame
- Element-activated guides now removed from consideration if the page rule for the first step does not match the current location
- If designer preview mode is ended, window no longer automatically closed
- Support for previewing localized guides
- Support for target element visibility changes due to :hover pseudo-class when MutationObserver is enabled
- When guide content is not returned in the expected format, guide will now fail gracefully
- Designer preview will now correctly match page rules
- Designer preview will now fetch global CSS (if enabled)
- NPS email responses will correctly associate with the email source
- Repositioning notification bubble during scroll and resize will now act appropriately
- Support for Zendesk native Knowledge Base Resource Center integration module
- Reload guides if the last request was more than 1 hour ago
- Preview mode for guides can no longer be launched from a URL parameter
- Report if initialize was called in validateInstall
- Multi-step previews will now advance across full page reloads as expected
- Notification bubble now positions on resource center target elements as expected
- Optimize configuration lookups
- Set target origin for postMessage calls
- Improved error logging when analytics fail to send
- Agent detects if it is hosted outside of Pendo's infrastructure and sends the selfHosted parameter on the metadata event
- Iframe auto-display now shows lower priority guides in all situations as expected
- Resolved an issue where URL changes were not detected when annotateUrl was used in a static application URL
- annotateUrl now correctly encodes the query string when the fragment contains '?'
- Improved performance when API methods such as updateOptions were called before the agent loaded but initialize was never called
- Improved validation for the guide request host in Guide Preview
- Error reporting for analytics requests
- guideActivity events are now sent for clicks in the Resource Center
- Clearer URL labels in validateEnvironment results
- Improved security for Designer postMessage handlers
- New URL customization API
- Staging agents now know when they're running in staging environments
- Resource Center styles that removed focus outlines on buttons have been removed to improve accessibility
- ARIA-expanded attributes on Resource Center badges can be toggled
- Custom attributes are now parsed in the Pendo Launcher as expected
- Call to setTimeout in event collection that caused issues in some apps has been removed
- Guide update is now triggered on animation and transition end when MutationObserver is enabled
- A check in the Pendo agent now tests if a frame was created for the Designer as expected
- Console error no longer occurs when multiple incognito windows are open and displaying and an app with the Pendo agent installed
- Permalink compatibility with Salesforce via c__pendo parameter
- Reloading the page immediately after seeing announcements will preserve the seen state of the announcements on the following page
- Automatically-activated guides that redisplay the first step when guides reload are now throttled correctly
- Improved Resource Center home view accessibility with new keyboard controls and ARIA labels