- Permalink compatibility with Salesforce via c__pendo parameter
- Reloading the page immediately after seeing announcements will preserve the seen state of the announcements on the following page
- Automatically-activated guides that redisplay the first step when guides reload are now throttled correctly
- Improved Resource Center home view accessibility with new keyboard controls and ARIA labels
- Agent debugger shows "staging" status on staging servers as expected
- Navigating the Resource Center focuses on the current module content as expected
- Announcement module no longer re-renders every half second when Classic "What's New" guides are included in the module content
- Resource Center badge and notification bubble disappears after Turbolinks URL change
- Support for resource center preview
- Removed script tags after JSONP resources finish loading
- Race condition where guide events can be processed out of order and result in repeat displays resolved
- Content loading order optimized for automatic guides when announcements are present
- Designer no longer launches multiple times
- Configuration option that allows Pendo to initialize before document load
- Add aria-hidden and focusable attributes to the progress icon in the onboarding module
- Only one occurrence of each unhandled error is logged
- Events for Shadow DOM components with default slots that contain only text nodes are handled correctly
- Improved support for Visual Design Studio launching in iframes, specifically cross-origin frames and frames contained in shadow roots
- Guide permalink works as expected when URL path contains "=" character
- Activation element is only focused when a guide is snoozed or dismissed
- Opening an empty Resource Center with EXT activation now displays a no content message
- clearSession works as expected when cookie domain is set
- Content load order has been optimized for guides with automatic-activation when badge or element activated guides are also present
- Resolved an error that affects custom code in guides that uses the promises returned by the pendo.ajax interface
- Agent uses native Promise when available, currently only in staging environments
- Unsaved guides in the Visual Design Studio can be previewed