- Post messages that cannot be handled by Pendo are no longer logged
- Host application removing the isFinite built-in function no longer causes errors
- Unsaved guides in the Visual Design Studio can be previewed
- Resource Center announcements order can be changed via drag-and-drop in the Announcements module
- Support for launching Digital Adoption Designer (preparatory work while feature is in development)
- Guide elements of type "Link" correctly show clicks if links in markdown have other markdown styling
- Resolved a race condition that could cause two automatic guides to display at the same time in an iframe
- Allow Pendo extension to run on top of a native Pendo web installation
- Onboarding module guide names wrap as expected
- Guide previews now render correctly using the Classic Designer
- Target element-activated Resource Center now dismisses as expected when the target element is clicked a second time
- Performance improvement that only loads default CSS if a legacy guide is present
- Prioritize Guides setting for Adopt now shows automatic guides in the correct order
- Restart preview now always returns to the first step of the guide
- Announcement notification count correctly reflects "experiment" groups
- Tooltip carets rendering incorrectly in some cases
- Performance optimizations when the Resource Center is in the "closed" state
- Rewrite URLs for images in guides when contentHost is configured in the snippet
- Fix issue that can prevent guides from activating on element click when multiple guides activate from the same element