- Agent can be configured through pendo-provided options to load designer plugins.js via a callback, rather than through script injection
- Only recalculate flex rows on resize if width changed
- Disable legacy designer postMessage listener when legacy designer access is disabled
- postMessage origin validation requires https when requireHTTPS flag is set
- Ensure app unloaded event is recorded when debug events are enabled
- Preview mode works in Adopt V2
- Fix issue that can prevent guides in frames from advancing when cookies/storage are disabled
- Callbacks, like annotateUrl, can be used with Signed Metadata
- Console error is no longer logged in IE11 when an iframe is destroyed
- Resource Center badge no longer temporarily displays on mobile devices when it should not display
- Content now loads as expected when Classic Guide Center has an ID property in step attributes
- Latest guide content now loads as expected when preview is restarted
- Send guideActivity event when element contained within a link is clicked
- MutationObserver may be enabled as an alternative to the continuous 500ms loop
- Elements that are partially scrolled out of view will be fully scrolled into view
- Set defaults for announcements and knowledge base modules in the legacy guide center
- Flexbox code correctly sets width on image placeholders (affects Designer only)
- Check for enabled native integrations on Resource Center load instead of waiting for eligible Integration Module
- Ensure guide seen events include information about what triggered the display
- Do not automatically display walkthroughs where any step has been dismissed or advanced
- Restrict the modules that may be loaded by the legacy Designer
- Fixed issue that caused announcement buttons to be misaligned when side-by-side
- Fixed issue that caused a displayed guide to briefly hide then re-show when a new iframe loads
- Fixed issue with guide activation and click collection in Shadow DOM
- Encode parameters passed from the Pendo app to open the Visual Design Studio
- Announcement guides that contain side-by-side content render as expected
- Don't recalculate height for announcements and announcements modules
- Walkthroughs resume from the step that was snoozed
- Snoozed walkthroughs resume if the snooze time is longer than 12 hours
- Improve the performance of re-drawing tooltip caret elements
- Fixed issue where element-activated guides would immediately dismiss or advance when combined with absolutely positioned pseudo-elements
- Add the 'pendo-ignore' class to an element in your app to prevent agent data collection for that element
- Building block tooltips track content better when scrolling
- Advance guide on mousedown target when mouseup target does not match
- No longer collect duplicate poll responses during a rare condition that shows poll in 2 frames at the same time
- Resource Center does not reopen after native integration module is closed when RC is configured to not reopen between pages