- Guide version information is now included with Guide event data
- Support for "guideNotSeen" events
- Removed requirement for unsafe-inline in style-src CSP rules
- Training partners now send Account ID in query parameter
- Fixed issue that caused tooltips to flicker when a second matching element is added to the page
- Fixed issue that dropped queued events when JWT is used and the page unloads
- ValidateInstall works in situations where the console functions are not available
- Fixed 'synchronous XHR in page dismissal' error that was stressing error logs
- Fixed order of execution of Guide Center badge event handlers that affected some customized Guide Centers
- Fixed console error that occurred if is a string when stopPropagation is called on an event
- AnnotateUrl now supports changes to the URL fragment
- Usability enhancements for Visual Design Studio Guide Preview
- Host application stopping event propagation no longer prevents guides and analytics from functioning (allows support for GWT, etc)
- Guides that use an Element Contains Rule and are badge-activated now correctly show or hide the badge and launch the guide based on the rule status
- Console error not longer displays if a "Show on Hover" badge is present on the page
- Clicking a badge no longer simultaneously shows and dismisses a guide when "click outside to dismiss" custom code is used
- Fixed issue that prevented guides from being dismissed or advanced under certain conditions
- Hosts for guide content files are verified against configured CNAME, if present (only logging violations for now)
- All URL changes are now logged if the host application has a non-native implementation of pushState
- Stopping event propagation on an event with no target no longer generates a console error
- Events are no longer dropped when an iframe is unloaded
- Fixed issue that caused the Agent to send unnecessary "identify" events
- Changing Account IDs triggers an event flush that sends cached events to Pendo
- Throttling now detects and mitigates undesired Guide redisplays
- Additional safeguards to ensure Guide steps do not show on the wrong page
- ShadowRoot polyfills other than ShadyDom are now supported
- Fixed issue that prevented skipping steps with a count parameter from working in multi-frame scenarios
- Fixed issue that could prevent the next step of a walkthrough from displaying if advancing the current step caused an iframe to unload
- Fixed subresource integrity hash validation in Firefox
- Fixed global CSS loading in Android Cordova apps
- Fixed an issue where elements with fractional opacity values were considered invisible
- Guides can be targeted based on the text content of the target element
- Use sub-resource integrity (SRI) verifies Guide content when g\Guide validation is enabled and SRI is supported by the browser
- Fix min-height on centered images in IE
- Empty/null opacity values are not treated as "0" (i.e. not visible)
- Activation element is focused when Guide is hidden
- Option to trap focus in a step, if the Guide is configured to auto-focus
- Buttons in full width Guides now maintain orientation when the window is resized
- Video Building Blocks support "auto-focus this step"
- Announcement Guides send guideActivity events
- Guides no longer flicker if Guides reload in a different frame
- Resource Center Alert Badge no longer gets removed if Resource Center is closed
- Resource Center Alert Badge updates correctly when new notifications are received
- Late loaded iframes now get detected properly by Visual Design Studio