The options listed below pertain to core features and functionality of the Agent. See an example config here.
Available Options
Option | Description | Default | Type |
additionalApiKeys | When included, all analytics events will be sent to each of the api keys in the list (guide events are only sent to the primary api key). This will only function if there are no additionalApiKeys set on the configuration included in the downloaded Agent. | [] | Array.<string> |
annotateUrl | A function that returns either an array of strings or an object to decorate the url for events. Deprecated: new usages to edit the url for events should use the location api. | undefined | function |
apiKey | A primary api key to send data to from the Agent. This will only function if there is no apiKey set on the configuration included in the downloaded Agent. | undefined | string |
autoFrameInstall | If set to true , the agent will try to install and initialize in all same-origin frames on the page. Read more about frame support. | false | boolean |
contentHost | An alternate url to load guide content from. This will be used to replace the standard google storage url for your subscription. Usually used for CNAME setups. | undefined | string |
cookieDomain | A unique domain to append to cookies that the Agent stores. If this is set, the Agent will not use local storage but will store all information as cookies using this domain. If not set, the browser will use the current domain when setting cookies. Note: The domain must match the domain of the JavaScript origin. Setting cookies to foreign domains will be silently ignored. Read more on MDN. | undefined | string |
crossAppGuideStorageSuffix | If set, the Agent will use this as the suffix when writing last step advanced key into the visitors cookie. This supports cross app guides by having a shared accessible location for different apps on the same effective level domain. | '' | string |
dataHost | An alternate url to use when transmitting event data. Usually used for CNAME setups. | undefined | string |
disableCookies | Although the name refers to cookies, if set to true the Agent will not persist any data in local storage or cookies and will rely only on memory. | false | boolean |
disableFeedback | If Feedback is setup for your subscription, this option can be used to selectively disable Feedback. | false | boolean |
disablePendo | If set to true the Agent will cancel out of initialization. This can be useful to disable the Agent with minimal code changes. | false | boolean |
disablePersistence | By default, the Agent will store the most recently used visitor and account ids as well as historical metadata. These stored values will be used if the agent is initialized in the future without them. Setting this to true will mean the agent will not store these values but will only use what is provided or fall back to anonymous ids. | false | boolean |
forceAnonymous | Having identity persisted by default makes it so that a transition from using identified visitor ids to using anonymous visitor ids is challenging. Anyone that used your application with an identified visitor id would have that value persisted to storage and whenever they agent is initialized for them, that value would be read from storage treating them as the same identified visitor. When set true , this config option will only use persisted identity values if they are an anonymous id. It is meant to be used to smoothly make this transition to using anonymous ids while still retaining the benefit of consistent anonymous ids for visitors. This option will be ignored if you provide an identified visitorId to the initialize call. | false | boolean |
frameIdentitySync | By default, the identity of a visitor in various iframes on a page are independent from each other. Setting this to true will instead have the Agent make sure all frames use the exact same visitor and account information. Read more about frame support. | false | boolean |
frameIdentityTopDownOnly | Apps with frames can choose to share Identity details between the frames. By default, these will only share from the top frame down to child frames but this can be configured to allow for child frames to also share the identity upwards as well. | true | boolean |
ignoreHashRouting | If set to true , the Agent will strip url fragments from the url used for events (everything after a # symbol). Deprecated: new usages to edit the url for events should use the location api. | false | boolean |
initializeImmediately | By default, the Agent will wait until the document.readyState is set to "complete" . Setting this to true will allow the Agent to initialize while the document is still loading. | false | boolean |
localStorageOnly | If set to true , the Agent will only persist data using local storage and memory. | false | boolean |
location.pushState | If set to false , the Agent will not use the History.pushState api to detect changes to the browser's URL. Instead a poll will be used. This can be necessary to disable for some SFDC applications. | true | boolean |
observeShadowRoots | Use this setting when using preferMutationObserver with an application that has Shadow DOM elements. On page load, the Agent will run a full document scan for shadow roots and attach a MutationObserver to all results. | false | boolean |
preferBroadcastChannel | By default, if there are multiple frames on the page that have the Agent installed, they will communicate using window.postMessage . If set to true the Agent will instead use the browser's Broadcast Channel API to communicate. This will only work when all frames use the same domain. | false | boolean |
preferMutationObserver | By default, the Agent will scan the page every 500ms to determine if any new badges or guides are eligible. To improve idle performance, this can be set to true and then the Agent will instead use a mutation observer and only check eligibility if the page content has changed. | false | boolean |
preventUnloadListener | By default, the Agent adds an unload event listener to the page to make sure it sends events upon navigation. If set to true , the Agent will instead use the visibilitychange event listener and send events when the visibility is changing to "hidden" . | false | boolean |
queryStringWhitelist | An array of strings or a function that returns an array of strings. The Agent will then strip any query string parameters from the url that are not found in the provided array. Deprecated: new usages to edit the url for events should use the location api. | undefined | Array.<string> |
sanitizeUrl | A function that takes the current url and should return a new url to use instead. This can be used to remove sensitive data or alter it in any way. Deprecated: new usages to edit the url for events should use the location api. | undefined | function |
selfHostedAgentUrl | Meant to be used with autoFrameInstall . If set, the Agent will use this as the url to download the Agent from in child frames. Read more about frame support. | undefined | string |
sendEventsWithPostOnly | If this option is set to true, event data will only be transmitted using requests of type POST instead of first trying to use GET requests. This can result in fewer requests being sent each time that event data is transmitted. | false | boolean |